by mrvaldesogo | Jan 15, 2018 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt"
Egyptian art had a magical-functional purpose and did not take into consideration the figure of the spectator. For that reason, we cannot consider Egyptian art from just an aesthetic empiricism. Which makes art feel in a subjective way through sensations. We must read...
by mrvaldesogo | Nov 16, 2017 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt"
The image in Ancient Egypt had a power in itself. Why? Because in addition to evoking a reality, they made it arise. In Ancient Egypt everything that was depicted was also happening. The Power of Scenes on Walls. The mural scenes that we observe in the mastabas of the...
by mrvaldesogo | Nov 15, 2017 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt"
It is necessary to know the physical space in which an ancient Egyptian plastic production is located in order to analyse it. Reliefs, paintings and statues of ancient Egypt we know come mainly from temples and / or tombs, that is, from sacred spaces impregnated with...
by mrvaldesogo | Feb 22, 2016 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt"
The artists of Ancient Egypt had a particular conception of perspective, which affected in the way they depicted groups of living beings and amounts of things. In our last posts we saw how in Ancient Egypt the funerary scene of Osiris being flanked by Isis and...
by mrvaldesogo | Oct 1, 2014 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt"
Egyptian art can hide very important information in small pieces. That is the case of the stele of Sebekaa in British Museum. This piece of ancient Egyptian art dates from XI Dynasty and it was found in Thebes. In just a space of 70 cm x 60 cm (aprox.) the Egyptian...