by mrvaldesogo | Nov 26, 2021 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt"
Images in Egyptian art were much more than just designs, specially in funerary sphere. They were a tool for achieving a goal and their effectiveness was out of doubt. Moreover, the artist also had to choose their location on the surface for creating a coherent...
by mrvaldesogo | Oct 29, 2021 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt"
Clay Coffin of Men. Dynasty XVIII. Tell el-Yahoudiyeh (tomb 411). Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire de Bruxelles, E.4348. Photo: MRAH Coffins in Ancient Egypt were not made just in wood, but also in ceramic. Although these kind of coffins are much more...
by mrvaldesogo | Oct 28, 2020 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt", Sin categoría
I would like to focus on an exceptional coffin located in the National Museum of Scotland. Because it contains a depiction of Isis and Nephthys, that well deserves a mention. 1. Some Information about the Coffin of “Qurna Queen”. Flinders Petrie discovered...
by mrvaldesogo | Mar 18, 2020 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt"
Egyptian coffin was a good surface for decoration. And usually this decoration was quite standard. For example, goddess Nut was depicted on the chest of the mummy, or also on the inside part of the cover, some moments of the funerary ceremony were included in the...