by mrvaldesogo | Jan 21, 2020 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt"
Ancient Egyptian archaeology is plenty of small remains which are big in information. For instance the ushabti of Pay and Repit is a small artifact, which goes unnoticed but has a deep message about the sexual stimulation of the dead, a very important aspect of the...
by mrvaldesogo | Sep 24, 2014 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt"
We have been writing about the ancient Egyptian expression “The Hand in the Mouth” (Djat Ra) as a way in Egyptian language of referring to the gesture made by the mother breastfeeding her baby. In the funerary sphere of Ancient Egypt that expression seems to be...
by mrvaldesogo | Sep 17, 2014 | Blog "Hair and Death in Ancient Egypt"
The assiduousness of the icon in the icnongraphy of Ancient Eypt of the mother bringing closer her breast with the aid of her hand to her baby’s mouth seems to be plenty of sense in the ancient Egyptian belief related to the new life. For that reason it does not seem...